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The addition of copper to titanium alloys may have a positive effect on the mechanical and tribological properties. Increasing the Cu content of the Ti-Cu binary alloys can lead to the formation of the BCC phase and needle structure, which improves the dislocation pinning ability and strength and hardness of the titanium alloy.

However, copper added to the titanium alloy can also cause additional grain refinement and a change from a normal eutectic structure to an anomalous one. This phenomenon is caused by the slow cooling rate of the alloy during solidification.

In the present study, various Ti-Cu alloys with different Cu contents were prepared and their tribological properties were evaluated. The tensile test, Vickers hardness and sliding tests were conducted. The results were compared and discussed.

The tensile properties of the Ti-Cu alloys were evaluated using an electronic universal tensile testing machine, CMT-5105 (Jinan, China) with a strain rate of 4.2 x 10-3 s-1. The tensile properties of the alloys were characterized by true stress-strain curves and yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elongation and hardness tests.

    By admin