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Colloidal graphite is finely powdered graphite suspended in a liquid carrier (usually water and alcohol), usually with a small amount of a polymeric binder. This colloidal graphite may be applied to surfaces by painting or other methods in order to form dry, adherent, conducting films of graphite.

This is a new type of conductive lubricant used in nuclear power plants and other facilities for anti-seize, thread lubrication and as an EMI shielding. It is used in conjunction with a thermoplastic resin to create a dry film conductive lubricant that has high radiation resistance and is easy to apply by spray, dip or brush.

It also prevents galling – the transfer of metal between surfaces. This can be a problem in many different environments, including nuclear, manufacturing and industrial settings.

Graphite is a non-corrosive, hydrophobic material, meaning that it repels water. This makes it a great choice for use in high-temperature settings, dusty environments and where oil-based lubricants tend to fail.

It can be easily diluted with water to form an effective lubricant, or it can be mixed with a petroleum-based liquid for application in an oily environment. It is easy to apply, and it doesn’t leave a mess or residue behind.

The graphite is reduced to a colloidal size and mixed with a stabilizer such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone. This allows the suspension to become stable throughout an acid-alkaline range of from pH 4.3 to 11.3 or higher.

    By admin