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Calcium hydride is a gray powder (sometimes pure white) that reacts with water and releases hydrogen gas. This chemical is used as a desiccant and drying agent in various industries. It is also an important reducing agent, hydrogen generator and analytical reagent.

It is a type of dihydrohydride with two hydrogen atoms and one calcium atom. It can be decomposed at 600 °C in hydrogen to produce calcium oxide, calcium carbide and calcium chloride. It is a strong reducing agent and can be used to produce hydrogen in field work.

CaH2 is a very good desiccant for alkaline solvents such as amines and pyridine, but it is less effective than molecular sieves. It is also used to dry alcohol. It is safer to use than more reactive reagents such as sodium metal or sodium-potassium alloy.

Besides its use as a desiccant, calcium hydride is also a good reducing agent and can be used to produce a range of metals including titanium, chromium and zirconium in the Hydromet process. It is used as a mild desiccant in some industrial applications to prevent volatile reactions with more aggressive solvents.

The global calcium hydride market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years. This is due to the increasing demand for this chemical compound in several industrial applications and manufacturing sectors. The report also includes a detailed analysis of the current trends and drivers impacting the growth of the industry.

    By admin