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What is spherical Quartz Powder?

After being purified from quartz stone, sphere quartz powder is pulverized and ultrafinely ground. The powder then goes through a high temperature field so its phase, crystal form and shape change instantaneously from solid state to liquid state. Amorphous powder is made from irregular angular particles and transformed into regular spherical grains.

The main preparation method for spherical powder quartz is

1. Flame melting is used primarily to mass produce spheroidized quartz dust. The heating device must have a stable temperature, adjustable temperature ranges, and there is no secondary pollution to quartz powder. This is the key to this technology. The ball-forming principle is that the high-temperature fire spray gun produces a high temperature flame between 1600 and 2000. The powder enters the high heat flame zone and its angular surface absorbs heat. This heat is then transferred to the powder’s interior, where it is completely molten. The action of surface tension means that objects tend to be in a stable condition. Spherical is the best state for forming a ball.

2. The local thermodynamic equilibrium (or thermal plasma) is another name for this plasma. It has the main characteristic that the plasma’s local electron temperature, ion temperature, and gas temperature are almost identical. The thermal plasmas are arc plasma, high frequency and induction plasma.

The high-frequency plasmafusion method is used for the preparation of spherical quartz. This method has a moderate range, stable control, high output, and can achieve a high rate of spheroidization, so it’s a better production method. The principle and procedure are similar to that of flame melting. This mainly transforms the high temperature heat source into an plasma generator.

Compressed air is used as the working gas. The volume of the working gases is 10m3/h. The high-frequency generator generates heat by generating high-temperature gas at 4000-7000. The silica is carried from the top of the plasma reactor furnace to the arc region by the feeder. After melting and gasifying, the powder is then transported through the feeder. The powder is quenched using a special quencher, then collected by gravity and bag dust (nanoscale), and within 1s-2s the spherical and nanoscale SiO2 can be obtained.

3. Chemical synthesis

To obtain silica sol, heat the silica gel emulsion with ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate. The gel is then treated by acid to produce hydrated spherical silica. This product has a low uranium level, which is a characteristic. However, it is also easy to agglomerate.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional spherical powder supplier. It has over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.

Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for high quality spherical Quartz powder.

    By admin