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Introduction to Nickel Titanium Alloy Pulp Nickel Titanium Alloy Oder nitinol A binary alloy of nickel, titanium and other elements that can be used to create shape memory alloys. Shape memory alloys are special alloys that can automatically restore their plastic deformation to the original shape when heated up. It expands at a rate of more than 20%. Its fatigue life is approximately 1*107. The damping properties are 10 times better than an ordinary spring. Its corrosion resistance exceeds that of medical stainless steel. This makes it an excellent functional material.
In addition to the unique memory function of memory alloy, it also features excellent characteristics like wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
Nitinol alloy There are two phases of the crystal structure that can be formed by temperature or mechanical pressure. These are the martensite and austenite phases. The phase transition sequence for Nitinol in cooling is the austenite phase (parent phase), -R Phase – martensite stage. The R phase of Nitinol is rhomboid. This means that the austenite has a higher temperature than the parent (or the temperature at the start of austenite), or when it is removed from the load. The shape is fairly stable. Martensite phases are relatively low in temperature (less than Mf, the end of martensite temperatures) and can be loaded (by external activation). They are hexagonal, repetitive, stable, and easy to fracture.

Physicochemical properties of Nickel-Titanium Alloy powder
1) Shape memory . Shape memory refers the process whereby the parent phase of a particular shape is cooled to below Mf temperature to make martensite. After the martensite has been deformed, it is heated to below Af and then cooled to below Mf temperatures to form martensite. Reverse phase transformation allows the material to automatically restore its parent phase shape. Actually, the shape memory effect can be described as a thermally inducible phase transition in Nitinol.
2) Superelasticity. Superelasticity refers to the phenomenon of a specimen having a strain much greater than its elastic limit. The strain can be easily recovered automatically during unloading. In other words, when applied stress is applied to a parent state, stress-induced Martensitic Transformation occurs and the alloy exhibits a different mechanical behavior from ordinary materials. It has an elastic limit that is much greater than the ordinary material and doesn’t obey Hookes law. Superelasticity is not affected by thermal energy, unlike shape memory properties. Hyperelasticity, in other words, means that stress does not increase when there is a change in strain. Hyperelasticity can be classified into nonlinear and linear hyperelasticity. The relationship between stress strain and stress in the stress-strain curve is almost linear. Nonlinear Hyperelasticity refers to stress-induced martensitic conversion and its reverse transformation during loading or unloading processes. It is also known as phase transition pseudo-elasticity. The pseudoelasticity of Nitinol alloy is approximately 8%. You can change the heat treatment conditions to alter the superelasticity in Nitinol alloy. When the temperature of the bowwire is 400C or higher, superelasticity starts to decrease.
3) Sensitivity of oral temperature . The oral temperature does not affect the stainless steel wire and CoCr alloy tooth orthotic wire orthodontic force. The change in temperature affects the orthodontic force of superelastic Nitinol orthodontics wire. If the amount of deformation remains constant, it is called constant. The orthodontic force increases as the temperature rises. It can accelerate tooth movement because of its ability to stimulate blood flow in areas of blood stagnation due to the appliance. Orthodontists can’t measure and control corrective forces in the mouth.
4) Corrosion resistance . Research shows that nickel-titanium steel wire has a corrosion resistance similar to that of stainlesssteel wire.
5) Toxicity resistance Nickel-titanium form memory alloy (about 50% nickel) is known to have both carcinogenic as well as cancer-promoting properties. The Ni-Ti alloy has good biocompatibility because the titanium oxide layer acts as a barrier. Ni release can be prevented by TiXOy/TixNiOy.
6) Soft orthodontic force . Dental orthodontic wires that are commercially used include austenitic stainless wire, cobalt chrome-nickel wire and nickel-chromium alloy wire, Australian wire, gold wire, and the ss titan alloy wire. These wires are loaded-displacement curves in tensile and three-point bent test conditions. Nitinol has the lowest and most flattest unloading curve platform, which means that Nitinol provides the most durable and gentle correction force.
7) Good shock absorption . The more vibrations caused by chewing or night molars on an archwire, the more damage it causes to the root tissue and periodontal tissue. Study results showed that archwire stainless wire wire vibration amplitudes are higher than hyperelastic nitanium silk and super-elastic nitanium arwire. The initial vibration amplitude of archwire wire is only half that of stainless steelwire. This is important for the dental health. Traditional archwires, such as stainless wire, increase root absorption.
Nickel Titanium Alloy Powder Properties
Other names nickel-titanium, shape-memory nitinol, NiTi, Ni-Ti
CAS No. 52013-44-2
Formula compound Ni-Ti
Molecular Weight N/A
Appearance black powder
Melting Point 1300degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 6.45g/cm3
Solubility of H2O N/A
Exact Mass N/A
Nitinol Nickel Titanium NiĀ­Ti Alloy Pulp

Nickel-Titanium Alloy Pulver Applications
Ni-Ti is a widely used alloy in biological medicine, aerospace and national defense as well as military industry.

Main supplier of Nickel-Titanium Powder
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier of chemical materials and manufacturer with more than 12-years experience in providing super high quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. This includes metal alloy, graphite powders, zinc sulfide powders, calcium nitride, 3D printing material, and so on.
High-quality products are what you want Nickel Titanium Alloys Powder Please feel free and contact us to send us an inquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

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