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Introduction to Molybdenum Silicide MoSi2 Pulp Molybdenum silicide In 1906, it was discovered. In different circumstances, silicon and molybdenum may form molybdenum trisilicide, molybdenum pentasilicate, and molybdenum silicate (Mo3Si2) depending on their respective conditions. Molybdenum trisilicide (MoSi2) – a Dalton type intermetallic compound – is the most important. The excellent high-temperature essential qualities of the atomic combination found in its crystal structure show coexistence of covalent and metal bonds.
Molybdenum Disilicide It is an organic compound. The chemical formula for MoSi2 is gray metal solid. Although insoluble in most acids it is soluble in nitric and hydrofluoric acids. Both types of atoms have the same radii as well as electronegativity. This is similar to ceramic and metal. Molybdenum Disilicide The surface is electrically conductive and forms a passivation layer made of silicon dioxide at high temperatures. This prevents further oxidation.
It can be used in high-temperature, oxidation-resistant coatings, electric heating elements and integrated electrode films, as well as structural materials, composite reinforcement, wear resistant materials, structural ceramics, or other fields of bonding material.

Molybdenum silicicide MoSi2 MoPi2 Powder – Physical Properties
MoSi2 refers to a type of intermediate phase that has the highest silicon content in Mo-Si’s binary alloy system. It is a Dalton-type, fixed-composition intermetallic compound. It has both the characteristics of a metal and a ceramic and is an excellent high-temperature materials. High-temperature oxidation resistance and oxidation resistant temperature up to 1600 with SiC equivalent; Moderate densities (6.24g/cm3). Low thermal expansion coefficient (8.10-6K-1); Excellent electric conductivity. Higher brittleness and ductile transition temperatures (1000), below the hardbrittleness of ceramics. Above 1000, it is a metal-like soft material. MoSi2 is used primarily as heating elements, integrated Circuits, high temperature oxidation-resistant coatings, and high temperature structural material.
MoSi2 consists of silicon and molybdenum bonded with metal bonds. While silicon and silicon are covalently bonded, Molybdenum disilicide can be described as a gray tetragonal stone. Insoluble in all mineral acids (including aqua-roya), but easily soluble and stable in hydrofluoric or nitric acids mixed acid. It can also be used as an oxidation atmosphere heating element at high temperatures (1700).
An oxidizing atmosphere forms a protective layer on the surface quartz glass (SiO2) that has been heated to high temperatures. This prevents continuous oxidation. SiO2 protective layer is formed when the temperature of heating element exceeds 1700. This is thickened at 1710 melting point and fused with SiO2 to create molten dropslets. Its surface-extending ability causes it to lose its protective properties. The protective film is formed again when the element is continuously exposed to the oxidant. Due to the high oxidation at low temperatures, this element can’t be used for extended periods of time at 400-700.
Molybdenum Silicide MoSi2 Powder Properties
Other Names molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2 Powder)
CAS No. 12136-78-6
Formula compound MoSi2
Molecular Weight 152.11
Appearance From gray to black powder
Melting Point 1900-2050 degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 6.23-6.31g/cm3
Solubility of H2O N/A
Exact Mass 153.859261
Molybdenum Siliconicide MoSi2 MoSi2 powder CAS 12136-878-6

Molybdenum Siicide MoSi2 Powder Applications
MoSi2 can be found in many heating elements. Molybdenum heat elements with disilicide molybdenum Can be used at temperatures as high as 1800°C in electric furnaces for production environments in glass, steel and ceramics. They are not brittle and can work at high power without ageing. Their resistivity doesn’t increase with operating time.

Main supplier of Molybdenum Silicide MoSi2 Pulp
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemicals and Nanomaterials. They have over 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals, such as silicon powder.
High-quality products are what you want molybdenum silicide, MoSi2 Powder Please feel free and contact us to send an inquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

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