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germanium arsenide (CdGeAs2) is a crystalline solid used as a semiconductor and in photo optic applications. This element is available in Mil Spec, ACS, Reagent and Technical Grades and conforms to ASTM testing standards.

CdGeAs2 is a tetragonally bonded semiconductor with the chalcopyrite structure, a II-IV-V2 crystal lattice that is compressed 5.6% along the c -axis. It has a direct band gap of 0.57 eV at room temperature and is optically active because of tetragonal distortion.

The chemistry of this material is governed by the interaction of gallium and indium with oxygen atoms and by the oxidation state of a few other elements. Its high thermal conductivity makes it an excellent material for use in electronics and optical devices.

Several stoichiometric alloys are prepared by alloying gallium with indium or other elements. The resulting mixtures have a low melting point and are used as thermometers and thermistors. The alloys also have a high hardness and good resistance to corrosion.

GaInAs is an alloy of gallium and indium with a mole ratio of about 0.48. It can be deposited on III-V semiconductors such as InP or GaAs with the lattice parameter of the substrate matching that of the deposited GaInAs. In this case the properties of the epitaxial film are similar to those of the corresponding InP or GaAs substrate, because of the small variations in composition caused by lattice mismatch strain.

The properties of the GaInAs alloy can be significantly improved by sulfur passivation. It is an ideal material for use in nanowire devices, because of its high thermal conductivity and ability to withstand high temperatures. It is also resistant to abrasion and dissolution by common solvents such as water, alcohols or acetones.

    By admin