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Actinium is a silver-white metallic element, which is derived from the Greek word aktis meaning “ray”. It was first isolated in the year 1902. The name was derived from the Ancient Greek aktis, which means “ray”.

This metal has the highest thermal conductivity of any metal with a value of 12 W/(m*K). However, it has no naturally occurring isotopes. Instead, it is produced in milligram quantities by neutron irradiation of 226Ra in a nuclear reactor.

Actinium is a member of the actinide group of the periodic table, which are a group of 15 similar elements. These elements are known for their radioactivity. They are a group of transition metals. Several of the isotopes of actinium are used in nuclear medicine and as an agent for radiation therapy.

The most common isotope of actinium is actinium-227. Actinium-227 is the decay product of uranium-235. Actinium-227 has a half-life of about 21.8 years. During this time, it decays almost entirely to thorium-227. Almost all of the other isotopes of actinium decay too quickly to accumulate in large amounts.

In the solid state, Actinium is a face-centered cubic structure. The atomic radius is 195 pm. The average atomic mass is 227. The most stable isotope has 138 neutrons in its nucleus.

Actinium is a soft silver-white metal that is radioactive. It has a thermal conductivity of about 12 W/(m*K) and has a radiance of 185 nm. Historically, it has had little industrial usage. But it could be a promising material for future radioisotope thermoelectric generators.

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