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What is graphene dioxide? Graphene oxide, also known as graphene oxide, is the oxide form of graphene. It’s usually represented by GO and has a brownish-yellow color. It is available in powder, flake and liquid form. Oxidation causes the product to have oxygen-containing functional chains that increase in activity, making it more active than graphene. The properties of the product can be further improved by various reactions using oxygen-containing function groups. Graphene oxide flakes can be made from graphite after it has been chemically oxidized and exfoliated. The graphene oxide atomic layer is one that can expand to many tens of millimeters in size. Because of this, it is able to transcend the traditional scales in materials science and general chemical chemistry. You can consider graphene dioxide a unique type of soft material. It has characteristics similar to polymers, colloids and films as well as amphiphilic molecules. Due to its high water dispersibility, graphene dioxide has been considered hydrophilic. However, graphene oxide has been shown to be amphiphilic. The graphene layer’s edges show hydrophilicity. Graphene dioxide can be used as an interface surfactant to reduce energy. Its hydrophilicity has been widely acknowledged. The use of graphene dioxide: Although the graphene-based materials are important, even though the oxidation process damages the graphene’s highly conjugated structure, this class still has special properties and a layered structure. The introduction of oxygen-containing groups not only makes graphene oxide chemically stable, but also provides surface modification active sites and a larger specific surface area for the synthesis of graphene-based/graphene oxide-based materials. The precursor to the production of graphene-based, composite materials is graphene dioxide. It can be functionalized easily and it has excellent controllability. When compounding with metal oxides or high molecular-polymers it provides a large surface area for dispersing attached materials. It also helps to prevent them from agglomerating. Grapheneoxid also has exceptional physical, chemical and optical properties. Because of its coexistence with various oxygen-containing groups at the edges and base of graphene sheet framework graphene oxide is able to be controlled. The types and numbers of these oxygen-containing groups can be used to modify its conductivity as well as its band gap. There are many uses for this material. Graphene dioxide is a novel carbon material that has excellent performance. The material features a large surface area with many functional groups and a great specific surface. The wide variety of uses for grapheneoxid composite materials (including polymer composites and inorganic compounds materials) has led to the development of a new research field: surface modification. Graphene oxide is widely used because it has excellent mechanical, electrical, and thermal characteristics. Luoyang Trunnano Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional Graphene dioxide with over 12 year experience in chemical product development and research. We can help you find high quality Graphene Oxide. Please contact us to send an enquiry.
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