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How do you define property in Bismuth Telluride Bismuth Telluride is a powder of gray with the molecular structure Bi2Te3. Bismuth Telluride is a semiconductor substance that has high thermal conductivity and good electrical conductivity. Although it is unlikely that bismuth informuride will cause any health issues, large quantities can prove fatal. The material is able to allow electrons on its surface to move at room temperatures without energy consumption, which can lead to a jump in operating speed for the chip. In addition, it can significantly improve operating speed as well as work efficiency for computer chips.

Which preparation techniques are used to prepare Bismuth telluride?

Many common uses can be made of bismuth telluride powder material. Preparation methods that are most commonly used include: single crystal pulling, Bridgeman method or zone melting. 1. This is the zone melting method. It allows single crystal growth by melting and crystallizing polycrystalline ingots. This creates a rod-shaped ingot made of polycrystalline crystals. After melting the area in which the ingot lies, the remaining ingot remains solid. A molten zone is then moved down the length of each ingot to melt and crystallize the remainder of it. 2. Bridgman Method: Also known as the “crucible descending” method, it is one of the most common methods for crystal growth. You place the material to crystallize in a cylindrical vessel and pass it slowly through a heat-frequency furnace. The furnace temperature should not be higher than that of the crystal. Once the crystal material in the crucible drops below the furnace’s heating center, it begins to melt. The temperature at the bottom drops first. If the melting temperature of the crystal material is lower, then the crystal starts to form until it is fully cooled. This is most suitable for common alkali metal compounds like halides and alkaline Earth metals. 3. Czochralski method. This method was invented by Chukraski in 1917 and is used to make single crystals of high quality. You need to first place the crystal material into the crucible. After the crystal has melted completely, heat the Crucible. Next, you will use the pullrod to remove the crystal. Under proper temperature control, any remaining seed crystals that were pulled during cooling are constantly rearranged and become crystals. Eab Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional Bismuth Telluride company with more than 12 years of experience in chemical product development and research. We can provide high-quality bismuth informuride. Please contact us to send an enquiry.
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