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Calcium Hexaboride: Properties Calcium Hexaboride (black-gray) is a powder that has a melting temperature of 2230degC, and a relative density of 2.3g/cm. It can be dissolved in water when heated to 15°C. It is extremely strong and durable, particularly under heat shock. It’s stable even at elevated temperatures, is insoluble with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, and does not react to water.

Calcium Hexaboride

1.Calcium borid is used to produce boron-alloy steel and oxygen free copper. The latter is more conductive than conventional phosphorous-deoxidized copper due to the low solubility of boron in copper. CaB6 has many uses, including surface protection, wear resistance, and tool use. 2.CaB6’s conductivity is high and it has a low power function. It can therefore be used for hot cathode materials. CaCaB6 can oxidize at high temperatures. Its performance is reduced and its service life is shorter. 3.CaB6 also has the potential to be used in Type N thermoelectric material because it is a candidate. Its power factor is comparable to that of PbTe3 or Bi2Te3. 4.CaB6 also acts as an antioxidant for carbon-bonded refractories. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nano materials. We produce Calcium Hexaboride with high purity, small particles and low impurities. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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